Star Quotes/Estimates Version History

Version History:

1.00 - 1/08/2006
Initial release of product.

1.50 - 5/29/2006
Removed the actual Detail screen. Combined it with the Main screen. This allows you to move the screen when entering a Quote without having the Main screen locked in position. This makes it easier to navigate if copying data from a separate program. Added a Copy/New function to create a duplicate Quote from a previous Quote. We added a second quote form for printing to A4 paper. This will allow for usage outside the U.S. if you use A4 sized paper.
Released Network Edition of Quotes software.

1.51 - 8/2/2006
Corrected a bug related to the Margin processing calculations.

1.55 - 11/7/2006
Corrected a bug related to Regional Date Settings if outside the US.
Added Default Currency Symbol to print on form.
Misc Bug fixes and changes. Reduced Pricing of product.

1.56 - 1/15/2007
Corrected a bug related to the Backup/Restore procedure.

1.60 - 3/17/2007
Added option to remove the City, State, Zip fields and replace them with Address 3 and 4. This was performed for our friends outside the US.
Added a removal of the Phone Number dashes/masking so that users outside the US with a different phone# format can correctly use the phone number fields.
Added option to correctly setup the Date format being used in your Country. This is mainly for the reports.
Added a new report to print the quote listings by Customer #, so that you can group them together if needed.
Changed the data file location to be placed in location accordance to MS suggestions for Vista,
Tested on MS Vista operating system.

1.61 - 6/07/2007
Minor fix to printed Quote. If no State field, will not add comma to concatenated CSZ field.

1.62 - 6/8/2007
New feature added. Can now make changes directly to Quote/Estimate form using our Quote Form Designer.

1.65 - 6/8/2007
Minor fixes to printed forms.

2.00 - 11/23/2009
Added a Gross Profit Margin Selection to quote/estimate entry. Added Total Cost display to entry screen. Added Cell# to Quote form. Added File Copy print option that will print COPY containing costs for in-house use only. Added internal notes for each quote which is not printable. Added resizable screens.

2.01 - 12/16/2009
Bug fixes.

2.10 - 1/21/2010
Changed the processing for logos to print.  Misc bug fixes.

2.30 - 3/19/2010
Added a feature to link to Time & Chaos/Intellect CRM -  Also added new user definable status codes for the quotes.  Modified the detail Qty field so you can now enter decimal quantities.

2.40 - 5/5/2010
Added a feature to allow for large item descriptions to be used in the item file.  This would replace the current two field descriptions with a memo type field.

2.45 - 5/13/2010
Corrected a bug in regards to A4 printing forms.

2.46 - 6/06/2010
Corrected a bug in regards to Company Address.

2.47 - 6/11/2010
Corrected a bug in regards to Customer/Contact Names if using link to T&C CRM.

2.48 - 12/02/2010
Corrected a bug in the printing quote routine. Other misc bugs corrected.

2.50 - 10/23/2011
Fix the issue with record locking in the Network Edition. Add option to email directly from program. This is an addition to being able to MAPI email the quotes. Add dbl-loop option for the MAPI email process if needed. Changed wording and selection process for the Backup/Restore program. Other misc small bug fixes.

2.51 - 01/19/2012
Fix index error issues on detail grid.

2.52 - 04/16/2012
Added an email address selection send to screen if processing emails to be sent from program. This will allow you to change the email address the quote is being sent to, instead of the default that is entered in the quote record. This will only be displayed if sending emails directly from the quote program.